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Unarmed Civilian Protection
& Accompaniment


What is UCP?
Unarmed Civilian Protection & Accompaniment (UCP/A) is a proven, courageous, nonviolent approach to civilian protection used in local neighborhoods and large-scale international conflicts. It centers the agency of local actors.


The DCPT offers UCP based on human dignity and nonpartisanship with a focus on: 1) protecting those most at risk, 2) supporting constructive conflict and nonviolent resistance movements, 3) re-humanization and as possible cultivating empathy.​ 

UCP aims to protect civilians in situations of violent conflict, imminent violence, and post-crisis situations—and create space for local peace initiatives. It is grounded in international law.

How can DCPT help?

Our professionally trained UCP team is available to support your community's UCP needs by providing protective accompaniment when needed and supporting your local community members' capability to provide such protection.

Our team also provides consulting services for communities and organizations interested in creating a Community Safety Unit. For example, we presently have such units at Columbia Heights Civic Plaza and Fresh Farm Markets in DC.

Impact report from Plaza project: Aug. 2021 - Dec. 2023

*Archive of impact reports for Plaza project


A few Highlights

Below are some of our activities. Our UCP Team has provided UCP at the events listed below. A more detailed report outlining additional activities and examples of UCP can be found here.


  • Bread for the City Meal Distribution

  • Fresh Farm Markets

  • Poor People's Campaign

  • U.S Elections demonstrations in 2020

  • Provided direct accompaniment for Cori Bush, U.S. Congresswomen

  • Black Lives Matter demonstrations

  • Immigration demonstrations in San Diego, CA and Tijuana, MX border

  • Unite the Right Rally

  • March for Life

  • Westboro Baptist Church demonstrations in Washington DC

  • A 22 day, 24-hour vigil with NAKASEC (Korean migrants) in DC

  • Israel-Palestinian demonstrations in the DMV area

  • Republican National Convention in Cleveland OH in 2016


Our goals as peacekeepers are to defuse violence and cultivate empathy in all parties. By “violence” in this context, we include both direct violence, such as physical or emotional harm, as well as the cultural violence in the ideas, language, or bodily posture that makes direct violence more likely.”

Matthew Price—Team Member

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